Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Responses For The Child And Her Father - 952 Words
Anticipated responses for the child and her father might very different. The child may cope by acting out, being emotionally dysregulated, having eating or sleep disturbances, brooding or withdrawing, being restless or unable to be still, taking on too much responsibility or developmentally, emotionally and physically, regressing (Bugge, Darbyshire, Rà ¸kholt, Haugstvedt, Helseth, 2014). The child who witnesses a death may be afraid they or another family member will die in the same way. They may also be actively avoiding painful memories or suppressing their needs being afraid to cause more trouble (Bugge, et al., 2014). The process of grieving is complicated by the tasks of the developmental stage that child is going through, the relationship with the deceased, their coping skills including support systems, and the circumstances of the death (Slyter, 2012). She is in Erikson’s stage of Industry versus Inferiority, so the clinician might see her express the thought tha t she has done something wrong that caused her mother’s death. The father, although he can express his grief more directly, may find that he has conflicting feelings about processing his grief and simultaneously attending to his daughter’s needs. He may go through the five stages of grief as proposed by Kubler-Ross (Corr, 2015). These stages include denial, or shock; anger; bargaining; depression; and acceptance, or moving forward. These stages may occur in any order, or not at all. They can alsoShow MoreRelatedTransactional Analysis1180 Words  | 5 Pagesway related to stimulus, and that is called transactional response. What is transactional Analysis? Transactional Analysis is the method of examining this one transaction wherein â€Å"I do something to you and you do something back†and determining which part of the multiple-natured individual is being activated. 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